/* * Smoothbox v20070814 by Boris Popoff (http://gueschla.com) * * Based on Cody Lindley's Thickbox, MIT License * * Licensed under the MIT License: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ // on page load call TB_init window.addEvent('domready', TB_init); // prevent javascript error before the content has loaded TB_WIDTH = 0; TB_HEIGHT = 0; var TB_doneOnce = 0 ; // add smoothbox to href elements that have a class of .smoothbox function TB_init(){ $$("a.smoothbox").each(function(el){el.onclick=TB_bind}); } function TB_bind(event) { var event = new Event(event); // stop default behaviour event.preventDefault(); // remove click border this.blur(); // get caption: either title or name attribute var caption = this.title || this.name || ""; // get rel attribute for image groups var group = this.rel || false; // display the box for the elements href TB_show(caption, this.href, group); this.onclick=TB_bind; return false; } // called when the user clicks on a smoothbox link function TB_show(caption, url, rel) { // create iframe, overlay and box if non-existent if ( !$("TB_overlay") ) { new Element('iframe').setProperty('id', 'TB_HideSelect').injectInside(document.body); $('TB_HideSelect').setOpacity(0); new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'TB_overlay').injectInside(document.body); $('TB_overlay').setOpacity(0); TB_overlaySize(); new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'TB_load').injectInside(document.body); $('TB_load').innerHTML = ""; TB_load_position(); new Fx.Style('TB_overlay', 'opacity',{duration: 250, transition: Fx.Transitions.sineInOut}).start(0,0.6); } if ( !$("TB_load") ) { new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'TB_load').injectInside(document.body); $('TB_load').innerHTML = ""; TB_load_position(); } if ( !$("TB_window") ) { new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'TB_window').injectInside(document.body); $('TB_window').setOpacity(0); } $("TB_overlay").onclick=TB_remove; window.onscroll=TB_positionEffect; // check if a query string is involved var baseURL = url.match(/(.+)?/)[1] || url; // regex to check if a href refers to an image var imageURL = /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)/gi; // check for images if ( baseURL.match(imageURL) ) { var dummy = { caption: "", url: "", html: "" }; var prev = dummy, next = dummy, imageCount = ""; // if an image group is given if ( rel ) { function getInfo(image, id, label) { return { caption: image.title, url: image.href, html: "  " + label + "" } } // find the anchors that point to the group var imageGroup = [] ; $$("a.smoothbox").each(function(el){ if (el.rel==rel) {imageGroup[imageGroup.length] = el ;} }) var foundSelf = false; // loop through the anchors, looking for ourself, saving information about previous and next image for (var i = 0; i < imageGroup.length; i++) { var image = imageGroup[i]; var urlTypeTemp = image.href.match(imageURL); // look for ourself if ( image.href == url ) { foundSelf = true; imageCount = "Image " + (i + 1) + " of "+ (imageGroup.length); } else { // when we found ourself, the current is the next image if ( foundSelf ) { next = getInfo(image, "next", "Next >"); // stop searching break; } else { // didn't find ourself yet, so this may be the one before ourself prev = getInfo(image, "prev", "< Prev"); } } } } imgPreloader = new Image(); imgPreloader.onload = function() { imgPreloader.onload = null; // Resizing large images var x = window.getWidth() - 150; var y = window.getHeight() - 150; var imageWidth = imgPreloader.width; var imageHeight = imgPreloader.height; if (imageWidth > x) { imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth); imageWidth = x; if (imageHeight > y) { imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight); imageHeight = y; } } else if (imageHeight > y) { imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight); imageHeight = y; if (imageWidth > x) { imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth); imageWidth = x; } } // End Resizing // TODO don't use globals TB_WIDTH = imageWidth + 30; TB_HEIGHT = imageHeight + 60; // TODO empty window content instead $("TB_window").innerHTML += "
" + imageCount + prev.html + next.html + "
" + ""+caption+""; /* version d'origine by FL*/ //$("TB_window").innerHTML += ""+caption+"" + "
" + imageCount + prev.html + next.html + "
"; $("TB_closeWindowButton").onclick = TB_remove; function buildClickHandler(image) { return function() { $("TB_window").remove(); new Element('div').setProperty('id', 'TB_window').injectInside(document.body); TB_show(image.caption, image.url, rel); return false; }; } var goPrev = buildClickHandler(prev); var goNext = buildClickHandler(next); if ( $('TB_prev') ) { $("TB_prev").onclick = goPrev; } if ( $('TB_next') ) { $("TB_next").onclick = goNext; } document.onkeydown = function(event) { var event = new Event(event); switch(event.code) { case 27: TB_remove(); break; case 190: if( $('TB_next') ) { document.onkeydown = null; goNext(); } break; case 188: if( $('TB_prev') ) { document.onkeydown = null; goPrev(); } break; } } // TODO don't remove loader etc., just hide and show later $("TB_ImageOff").onclick = TB_remove; TB_position(); TB_showWindow(); } imgPreloader.src = url; } else { //code to show html pages var queryString = url.match(/\?(.+)/)[1]; var params = TB_parseQuery( queryString ); TB_WIDTH = (params['width']*1) + 30; TB_HEIGHT = (params['height']*1) + 40; TB_TOP = (params['top']*1); var ajaxContentW = TB_WIDTH - 30, ajaxContentH = TB_HEIGHT - 45; ajaxContentT = TB_TOP; if(url.indexOf('TB_iframe') != -1){ urlNoQuery = url.split('&TB_'); //alert(ajaxContentT); if(url.indexOf('questionnaire.php5') != -1) var styleComp = 'background-color:#525252;'; else var styleComp = ''; $("TB_window").innerHTML = "
"; } else { $("TB_window").innerHTML = "
"; } $("TB_closeWindowButton").onclick = TB_remove; if(url.indexOf('TB_inline') != -1){ $("TB_ajaxContent").innerHTML = ($(params['inlineId']).innerHTML); TB_position(); TB_showWindow(); }else if(url.indexOf('TB_iframe') != -1){ TB_position(); if(frames['TB_iframeContent'] == undefined){//be nice to safari $(document).keyup( function(e){ var key = e.keyCode; if(key == 27){TB_remove()} }); TB_showWindow(); } }else{ var handlerFunc = function(){ TB_position(); TB_showWindow(); }; var myRequest = new Ajax(url, {method: 'get',update: $("TB_ajaxContent"),onComplete: handlerFunc}).request(); } } Display_select("etude", "hidden"); window.onresize=function(){ TB_position(); TB_load_position(); TB_overlaySize();} document.onkeyup = function(event){ var event = new Event(event); if(event.code == 27){ // close TB_remove(); } } } //helper functions below function TB_showWindow(){ //$("TB_load").remove(); //$("TB_window").setStyles({display:"block",opacity:'0'}); if (TB_doneOnce==0) { TB_doneOnce = 1; var myFX = new Fx.Style('TB_window', 'opacity',{duration: 150, transition: Fx.Transitions.sineInOut, onComplete:function(){if ($('TB_load')) { $('TB_load').remove();}} }).start(0,1); } else { $('TB_window').setStyle('opacity',1); if ($('TB_load')) { $('TB_load').remove();} } } function TB_remove() { // ADD by EC : je transmets une URL vide à la frame conteneur de la page HTML en cours d'affichage dans la simili pop-up. // Pourquoi ? Si la page HTML contient un plug-in en cours d'utilisation (exemple : Windows Media Player), la "pop-up" n'est que cachée et pas fermée comme il se devrait. // Résultat : le son de la vidéo tourne toujours alors que la vidéo est cachée. // Je demande donc de changer d'URL (pour virer la page HTML et son plug-in) avant de cacher la pop-up. //$("TB_iframeContent").src="/includes/communs/page_blanche.htm"; try { //$("TB_iframeContent").src=""; $("TB_iframeContent").src="/includes/communs/page_blanche.htm"; } catch(err) { //Handle errors here } // FIN ADD by EC $("TB_overlay").onclick=null; document.onkeyup=null; document.onkeydown=null; if ($('TB_imageOff')) $("TB_imageOff").onclick=null; if ($('TB_closeWindowButton')) $("TB_closeWindowButton").onclick=null; if ( $('TB_prev') ) { $("TB_prev").onclick = null; } if ( $('TB_next') ) { $("TB_next").onclick = null; } new Fx.Style('TB_window', 'opacity',{duration: 150, transition: Fx.Transitions.sineInOut, onComplete:function(){$('TB_window').remove();} }).start(1,0); new Fx.Style('TB_overlay', 'opacity',{duration: 150, transition: Fx.Transitions.sineInOut, onComplete:function(){$('TB_overlay').remove();} }).start(0.6,0); window.onscroll=null; window.onresize=null; Display_select("etude", "visible"); if($('TB_HideSelect')) { $('TB_HideSelect').remove(); } TB_init(); TB_doneOnce = 0; return false; } function Display_select(conteneur, etat){ if(document.getElementById(conteneur)) { ListeObj = document.getElementById(conteneur).getElementsByTagName('select'); for(i=0; i